
As a web developer, I'm passionate about crafting innovative and user-friendly digital experiences. I showcase my expertise in frontend, backend, WordPress, and email development, along with my proficiency in various programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Through my projects, I aim to demonstrate my ability to create visually stunning, responsive websites and email campaigns that provide seamless user experiences across different devices and platforms.

I believe in the power of collaboration and continuous learning, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions, ideas, or opportunities for collaboration. Together, we can turn your vision into a reality and build remarkable web solutions. Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy exploring my portfolio. Let's create something amazing together!

I specialize in frontend development, utilizing the latest HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks to bring designs to life. I have a keen eye for detail, ensuring pixel-perfect implementation while maintaining cross-browser compatibility and responsiveness across all devices.

Moreover, I have a solid foundation in backend development, working with databases and server-side technologies to build robust and scalable web applications. My proficiency in PHP and NodeJS enables me to develop custom solutions tailored to specific project requirements.

I am an enthusiastic WordPress user and developer, with many years of experience maintaing my own WordPress blog and more recent experience building and maintaing WordPress sites for businesses. Using both plugins and custom themes, I have provided responsive and optomized websites that align perfectly with clients' branding and vision.

In my most recent role, I specialize in creating responsive and engaging email templates that help businesses connect with their audience. My expertise lies in coding clean and efficient HTML and CSS and using email builders, like Stripo, to ensure seamless rendering across various email clients and devices. I focus on creating visually appealing designs and optimizing deliverability and engagement.

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If you like what you see so far, check out my LinkedIn and send me a direct message to start a conversation.


Frontend Projects

Advanced Approaches to UX Research Intensive website image

Advanced Approaches to UX Research Intensive

A Landing Page for the Center Centre Advanced Approaches to UX Research Intesive

Built using HTML and CSS and the Center Centre CSS Framework, collaborated on this website with the design and web development team.

Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


How to Win Stakeholders & Influence Decisions website image

How to Win Stakeholders & Influence Decisions program

A Landing Page for the Center Centre's How to Win Stakeholders & Influence Decisions program

Maintained and updated this landing page using the Center Centre GitHub repository. Made design changes as directed by the design team and prepared site for each upcoming cohort.

Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


Tina Collier's Tiered Bad Bank website image

Tiered Bad Bank

A MERN Stack Project

A Full Stack Bad Bank React app that allows visitors to create an account, deposit and withdraw funds, keeps track of transactions, and documents users.

Front end built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript using the React Framework, and back end built with NodeJS and Express JS. Incorporates the Bing News API to retrieve the latest financial news from the web.


Center Centre's CSS Framework design page

Center Centre's CSS Framework

CSS Framework created and used by Center Centre

I used and contributed to this framework. Noteably, I created the testimonials callout.


For more examples of front end projects, check out my GitHub profile or contact me.

Backend Projects

Migrated UIE.com to CenterCentre.com

Migrated Center Centre's main WordPress site to another domain

Using the command line and the company's asset servers, I secure copied uie.com's WordPress files and database, and manually migrated them into centercentre.com's file structure and database.

You can read more about this process on my blog.

Managed Center Centre's CloudFlare Account

Managed Center Centre's DNS settings and domains

Set up continuous integration and continuous delivery/continuous deployment, or CI/CD

Center Centre's UX Design School

Articles.UIE.com on DigitalOcean

Using the WordPress site files and MySQL database, I created a backup of the site on DigitalOcean through the Plesk Panel

Graphic of large servers and a small person

WordPress Projects

Center Centre main website image


Center Centre's main landing page.

After migrating UIE.com to CenterCentre.com, I made all updates and changes requested by the design team. I maintained this WordPress website using both the WordPress site files and the wp-admin panel as needed.

UX Design Schools website image

UX Desing School Site

A Landing Page for the Center Centre's Design School

Migrated this WordPress site from Center Centre's web servers to DigitalOcean's cloud hosting. Updated the site using the site files to reflect current changes requested by the design team, such as replacing the banner, updating the footer, and replacing links as needed.

Tina Collier Blog website image


My Personal WordPress Blog

This is my personal WordPress blog that I have maintained for 8 years. I have documented my web development journey and my fellowship at Center Centre in this blog.

I have additional WordPress projects. Contact me via LinkedIn to see additional work.

Email Projects

Center Centre's Newsletter

Advanced Approaches to UX Research Intensive Countdown Promo Email

How to Win Stakeholders & Influence Decisions program Testimonial Promo Email

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Over the course of my fellowship, I coded hundreds of emails and piloted daily marketing campaigns via MailChimp and our CRM. I have used email builders like Stripo and harded coded emails through HTML and CSS.

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